Suzana Kalcic

#012 Sleep And Entrepreneurship With Nina Clark Transcript

#012 Sleep And Entrepreneurship With Nina Clark Transcript


Please note the following transcript will contain errors as it is automated and is not always accurate but you will get the gist!


hi I’m Suzana Kalcic and you’re listening to Life In Practice Podcast I’m curious about the big questions in life and how we can experience more meaning and fulfillment every day join me as my guests share their challenges successes and what it means to put our purpose our values and our lives in practice hello and welcome to the life and practice podcast This Is Your host Suzana today my guest is Nina Clark and she’s on %HESITATION she’s an entrepreneur and founder off Nightire the urban sleep company welcome Nina thank you very much thanks for having me yep so we connected on a virgin start up %HESITATION %HESITATION thing where as Simon Sinek was a speaker and I’m a huge huge fan of his so I’m going with that I’m going to go straight into the why so I wanna know they know what is the why behind them why did you decide to become an an an an entrepreneur and to start this night where company %HESITATION that is my favorite Kristen Conrad restocking rate the wine for nine nine is a very strong ones there I think it definitely the thing that sort of keeps me going even when the time off hi and I gave back is that the big reason behind why he ate the photos keep you keep you passionate even Wayne well hello old journalist having gone back to you or AFP hospital is getting you know her husband not or whatever the case may be and and I’m I’m really happy to be working on a brand that aims %HESITATION H. online they’re just a little bit of background and not back and lays in my Y. H. on how on earth it night time and why is that and a couple of years ago I when I moved to London with my husband I thought a genuinely sweet and during that month of insomnia I did a whole lot of industry and one of the things that I picked up on that was really interesting was attacked by a Cambridge and he has a big effect on your sleep okay hi there I can do to keep you from falling asleep because I’m comfortable added that he even called and but also add your body temperature goes up and down during the day and that actually affect how weight or how high it you can be and coming during the night as well your body can protect up to eight and that’s what it can mean a few comedy and Caroline and Erica is and until wearing fabric that actually it would help to keep your body can pretty even if you pay important and can be a real game changer that if this is something that you struggle with and when you take my opponent will took that and ran with it and I thought that was really interesting and I hate the thought that they were in many ways brands are they actually speaking to that need and creating more of a functional product sh and at the end of the day I decided to go wild with those that their product that I want to create that gap in the market that I want to focus there and I did the research and to the different fabrics that could actually be at work and he’ll teach you issue and %HESITATION that Bandier is actually at back when it comes back to a great Cambridge regulating properties moisture wicking and I think a whole lot of other hugely beneficial properties as well as he can at the panic at an anti bacterial and very kind and and and all that right there I’m a long story short finally ended that way the best and could have products that I found was a conditional and could actually tackle on the issue I had with me and and I and that’s that’s a whole big reason behind and the Y. ads as well is and hoping people could debate that at night and I wanted to tackle that eight three actual product that they will start to that content that I create and that I share on social media I’m on the need to be on the way fine when the factory there I’m a put of the coupon to pay each and if something bad driving and what I do every day if I had to sum it all up it would be helping take the exact time yeah unlike sleep is so so important I mean for for for myself the past two weeks I have not I haven’t been able to sleep well at all and then when you don’t have a good night’s sleep I just had it just rolls on like for for the whole day and it you know it takes ages to %HESITATION %HESITATION %HESITATION catch up on any sleep so %HESITATION I’d be really curious to find out like what are the some of the things that that you learned when you were when you were studying sleep obviously you’re you you learned about the %HESITATION the body temperature was wanting so some of some of the other things that you learned about sleep very many interesting things and actually I’ve learned so much now that I’ve actually written a little E. ebook and and it covers everything from why it’s important to see why it’s important and she correct thank yourself throughout the day to be able to sleep well at night %HESITATION it doesn’t just came in from your pay time reaching for example let’s see how you start your day and how you eat when you stop drinking caffeine and to you your exposure to your life the vices how straight you rate during that day everything can impact how well you sleep at night thank heavens one of that and in the air I’m a whole lot on you breathing exercises and yoga poses that help you at and as I say you know what what to eat and what not to eat better than that one of that and not actually put back to give that and that’s something back thank you every customer I am and if there is a year and will say anyone who needs a DVD to get their hands on it it’s very interesting fact and yeah %HESITATION my gosh I didn’t play much honestly and I think that as a state yeah you know they are that cons of not getting a good night’s sleep an order how Shane he beneficial it is in respect %HESITATION cost about body and mental wellbeing and relation reject relationship and ordering under the at the you can change that and perhaps a lot energy levels are and I. G. H. and R. memory and everything thank you so basically I think we if we if we don’t sleep well what what what what happens to to us and to remind to our body if we’re not sleeping well what is the what is the what is the %HESITATION what are the side effects of poor sleep %HESITATION well and it can affect a whole I mean if if they every part of your body basically but I would say I’m not the most important an immediate effect all on your cognitive and behavioral at the activities fair one of the most important and scary as I’m finding that I picked up on impact your %HESITATION and reflexes and your decision making abilities and your and your but how how long you’ll and %HESITATION what do you call that thank you he doesn’t care about black how quickly you will connect if you get mad or irritated or angry or anything like that and is massively affected michi problem like one day to the next and and they say that if you if you date you work and you are eighty three the product from and not the bad teeth it is basically like rocking out the queue to work completely drunk so it’s the same label are black and yeah could have cognitive behavioral function back that is affected in that way and but they also you will probably be not hungry yet and you wouldn’t want to eat all the and healthy for you and fire station he not ideal and I think there’s also some really interesting and findings that have come out on the link between sleep and snoring Nina and and haul it exhibited a vicious cycle because if you if you are sleep deprived you I can naturally want to sort of pull away from society and you don’t feel like you don’t have the energy pretty much to interact with people so you you become more line each I mean you will become more sleep deprived but also when you are more Yankee and use your lack of the audit sheet or my lack emanate and some for the vibe and it’s not I don’t know what the actual funds became is it like to repel people and bay there you wanna hang out with you and not look for again making money that allow and and the final thing you okay eight yeah it is three acne yeah credible every part of the old yeah and I think that we all take it for granted yeah so today and I think what what you said about %HESITATION because normally I think okay to to to sleep while I would think okay you need to have a good routine to have %HESITATION up up up before bed but the fact that you said actually it’s something that takes place there are some that you need to be %HESITATION we need to do throughout the whole day actually to have a good night sleep so would you be able to maybe share something like how would like an ideal day be to have the best night’s sleep I think there’s little things that you can do that the biggest would be key just make sure that your I’m you’ll think Haiti and read them and say talk properly Sarah and routine as the most important thing and thank you maybe and we’re back morning because a change he went to bed late and you wanted to make sure you still got your eight hours or whatever it is that you pushed your body clock on your back Mike very well stuff that you’ll you’ll see Katie in Richmond we a buddy cop because now everything is sort of been moved on a little but not for my sake but if a check like that you HM I’m in Kansas this Acadian rather than making sure that you and you know that way cap west the sun life for example her date that exposure to sunlight in the beginning so that you can just you know you wake up your body at the right time but they also when it you know become case the debate time to start training down the line making sure your home is doctors are old they can get it added gives signal to your body the stock on the creaking melatonin so that you can thought becoming more sleepy I’m I mean I think the other thing is I would be shocked that they drinking and eating start making sure that you’re guaranteed to correct your baked ham and not too heavy meal your body is not digesting food and getting ready for paint and on the old side caffeine thing because caffeine actually has a really long half life that we don’t agree think about sometimes and some of us are more sensitive to caffeine contract and other about can just you know knock back next break that the probate and and pop up not great I wish I was here thank you very in very many of us are actually I’m eighty five and it does mean that the Haas life might be six to eight hours still after you have actually contain your caffeine which means that you know if he has %HESITATION at four PM and Cup of coffee and go to sixty eight hours a day you still need that buzzing undergone because of this caffeine that’s killing your system in it it’s going to keep you at there and you know that’s another thing to try and keep you going on in the day yeah yeah yeah yeah the so many things that I know just tell me a little bit about how was it for you then whenever you are %HESITATION having struggles with sleep like how did that how did that a pub at present itself %HESITATION for you in your life what what kind of what what were the challenges that you were going through that made you really realize okay I need to do something about this so for me at the biggest issue once with my mind and not being able to switch it off I think I’m one of our the cold multi tasking email your brain is like a hamster wheel that keeps on spinning and and I read struggled to you stop thinking about that to do that and you know it’s sort of creating scenarios in my mind for what needs to happen the next day or whatever the case may be %HESITATION what Audrey file and wait for me and H. you have as a diary or notebook makes my day in fact in just couple analysts need apply the in the dock may ninth and I just like write things down and hope that I’m going to be able to you can read my writing the next day and but you know write down things that come to mind that I need to gear and back if they’re helpful to go to walk in mind on to the page done I don’t need to think about it and they will say to you to have a proper wind down routine and not have anything stimulating forbade like nice green it’s nothing %HESITATION and I’m just asking that like take a good all I could calm down and if they see or so reading I find help with that way you just bought it you know you’re in someone else’s world you’re not thinking about your anger and he’s sort of like if you pay the probate on main town and help acne Neef Funtastic on now %HESITATION I’d like to ask you a bit about your journey a sun %HESITATION %HESITATION as an entrepreneur and like how how was that so how was that did you work full time %HESITATION beforehand or was a kind of a E. you’d like worked while you you you you started your company or was it you just kind of went you went for it all you want you went all in %HESITATION I wait Orleans that it was sort of an external circumstances but that lady that she and I have always been in brand management and marketing and I we’re I think eighteen T. G. at the start of my career and then go to bring more than one that can be used as the years went by and then when I was breaking up the smaller companies in the stock up that weighs on it really exciting and interesting to you be involved in a garage three and yeah ideation and creation and %HESITATION you know working on developing products I’m from the get go and then being able to go right back into the box as well right now all of that and not I think wanted to eat and of my and hunger for wanting to you with an open mind that we meet London I worked at another little rock and country as brand manager a and they went belly up I have a nine huge mismanagement of funds by the Italian guys %HESITATION but I worked full and Bancor the goal and the one day and I live very weak on pay at the end of the month there yeah I and and I just actually going there while back thank you people need to try and before I’d go back in record breaking and it can yeah I think it was okay just good timing back I sort of have this idea already that I was patching on the find and dean best team competing for the top thanks I pretty much read in G. U. I would say I’m almost like a self well created MBA program intended to flag crash courses in acting he everything to do with setting up the business and pain and yeah I just went for it and I was told during at that as you know IT consulting on the side and working with other companies here and there and as for the three lines and eighteen okay doing it could be you I’m quite regularly and say yeah I did have a few fingers in different pies but I was always amazed and and now it’s a hundred thank you for taking up one of my that sounds really great yeah especially like sometimes when these things like %HESITATION when you what what what happened with with with %HESITATION with at your job like it seems like it was a bad thing but actually gave you the chance to do what you really want to do so I think that’s really cool I’m I’m honestly so if if there’s a a a a person right now he maybe wants to start their own company what would you advise them from from from the experience that you’ve had from like I’m very very smart very starting but I’m sorry Hey John yeah the stock I am uncertain to say many we’ll business have founders and and want to be on screen as he in there I have great ideas and a thirteen that they just they just find it very alarming you climb that mountain that is you know where I’m actually needing to you think of all that over there just to coping with and without all that sort of creation all everything from the brand of the product you whatever it is and and I would say just the gate and Chad realizes gonna be passed because if it was easy everybody would be getting it back if if it I think if the Y. as strong enough as the driving force is there if you stay passionate about it that you like a contractor could not do this you know it’s actually going to kill me Dane date to get going and dying can be %HESITATION put all by %HESITATION funding or not having and big fancy business plan or anything like that just stop mold the start you know doing research to stop talking to people just do like a little private Clapton and suck it up and take it to the market and see what happens and I think we sometimes catch perfectionist as well we we want everything to be perfect from the get go away but if that’s the beauty of being a small business is that you can just yet thank you exposing the things like millions of people and if it’s if it’s spelled with a contract then you need to tweak it again then back off the world is going to be disappointed it’s you know it’s fine that’s why we we stock more and and you can just go with that and say yeah I would not yeah that sounds fantastic right and what have been some of the like the main %HESITATION the main %HESITATION challenges that that that you faced so many so many but I would say the main one is decency and our clients have to greet them finding the right buyer someone he you can hold hands left and and trust that they are creating a product that you can put your name on and that you can be if the product and that they are executing your vision because here at the end of the day if it is a big part of a product based business is to make sure that the actual product is being made with as much love as you put into designing at the and and we’re back and I don’t have a fashion background that I sort of taught myself everything about hadn’t signed the print saying that I break composition which is I mean then I have that right it’s made up from scratch if a bank walking away things that he thought that I require that’s amazing yes I really need it to you in order that the difference that saying %HESITATION you know I didn’t even know that you can get you know I like different strains three and all of that stuff like it was that the technical and sort of black hole %HESITATION sure knowledge that I had to plow into you %HESITATION I do think that I’m a lot more confident than that now but in the beginning yeah one Greek that’s that’s a that’s a really really amazing %HESITATION and can you tell me about like %HESITATION %HESITATION how did you know which which %HESITATION which of fabric to to choose that how did you know which one was was the right one like how did you do the research for them well I knew I knew from you Sir just waking with band or having being exposed she and the product previously and having gone she locked the different trade fair way I’d spend hours and hours and hours trolling but different at unpacking and feeling a bit kind of fabric and speaking to you I N. as all of the different fabric houses and box all the different kinds of options by rock band I I knew bandy was going to be the one that in chains Aug and actually finding that it does not act with the title challenge here at and getting a lot of phone calls and I’m just trying to not making it into your actual P. J. it’s wearing out asking crane he questioned the lack %HESITATION yeah and just couldn’t break the well fantastic and then so when you actually have the %HESITATION the %HESITATION %HESITATION when you when you had the product when it where it was all done and can you tell me a bit about what was the M. what was the launch process like how did you get the the %HESITATION the word out into the world that that that your product was ready yeah there for me it’s always been a soft launch I haven’t actually done the math on that thing I haven’t made any at the same top product queue in princes or Jan last on mass it’s always going to get in I’ve been a lot more selective I think with you here I contact and here I think I. T. N. and geeky budget constraints in order back and just had to be really creative with that and also just trying to make sure that land because I think and I didn’t do it do it right in the beginning and non and she should be back thank you just make sure that you are not just speaking with you and either a journalist or an intent that block at whatever the case may be if you maybe have a lot of color is or has big exposure bye it’s not crazy the kind that you want all that candy he he fell and %HESITATION yes I think you know it’s always been a cherub and whatnot and just because I’m out in the beginning I wanted that mocking the organic how wanted to sort of see what quick one thousand where it before after many behind that and now I just feel like it’s well it’s still great to do it organically and still get hurt much Kasia all you know people are finding out about a three week mediation I think okay you know %HESITATION I gave using platforms that don’t require a whole lot of and cash income at and where the product can be profound buyer yeah it wasn’t it wasn’t a massive bang bang and slowly but surely been leaking on at fantastic an M. Cain can you tell me a bit about %HESITATION the %HESITATION %HESITATION the %HESITATION the feedback that you receive from our customers like how is that being %HESITATION %HESITATION I enjoyed the product and what was their experience being I believe he %HESITATION I mean icon speak for every customer but I think you see do you think that it is quite a game changing product in hand on the feel of the fabric which is in Saint Louis in Bangkok I think that’s a great thing that people ask feedback on and also the fact that it banned the it which meant a like what all it even made it into like the fastest fabric into at the top and best main idea actually I sometimes gate email Cole I’m people going on okay and then if the facts change might be put it back and because it really does regulate your body temperature really really of a functional thing %HESITATION and I think that the repairs right or not I which is hi and he backed away they are happy with that they cannot come back for another take different style a different brand they gonna get fifty nine and yeah I think that that the fifty shades back but it’s beneficial US Britain so how how does it feel than many you know when you think back to you just when you had this whenever you just had a a a struggle with sleep but now your own your own product is is actually a is %HESITATION helping people sleep now how does it feel to kind of see all about come full circle yeah it’s amazing I mean I think that he was the objective behind it I and I’m not gonna lie because that the brand has kicked me out many nights and late to you many many if not you know how it is %HESITATION having tea yeah I know a little bit less and everything just feels like the end of the well by %HESITATION I think I think it’s wonderful and again that would be the why yeah and and what what is driving me you had to get more people give me a cold buffet it’s changed last week but the main thing fun tastic and what’s your dream for this company then like how do you want to take it forward I would love to you change people tweet west a whole lot of difference related products I’m I’m glad you expand into you at that categories %HESITATION and please wait add new idea mall south wind okay baiting and I have started working on %HESITATION preachy candle which will help you know which called into the yeah baby an opportunity for natural supplements and you know they signed match I think it’s questioning created be interesting market because as data base they still manage to be discovered you know the research I think it’s a young when it comes to you and how to report it with different different product the Davises at activity your body very desire yeah I think and you know sort of creating and the destination where people can come to you yes the court because he would be fantastic and of course you guys are pretty low ball and %HESITATION yeah just to reach more more corners of the world with the product would be yeah and %HESITATION so do you want to have any shops that are like in in in real life where is that all you want all to be online the tricky one I’ve always struggled with that since the very beginning with its you thank you L. way that you do you a combination of the two year old Jack do you contain that I still don’t have on your back muscle think that they think would be %HESITATION an opportunity database for %HESITATION but and and it’s important for people to be able to interact with the product especially when it’s such a %HESITATION tactile thing and he’d be able to do that in the store but I think or where that in nineteen at night on nine I will be online and yeah that way the world is gang yeah yeah I mean yeah it is yeah everything now is online so how the world is %HESITATION yeah so when you look back on your journey what are some of the main things that you have learnt sort of being M. %HESITATION being a of business %HESITATION owner like what are some of the main things that you have learnt like up personally as well %HESITATION %HESITATION about yourself about the %HESITATION business worlds what are some of the main things that you’ve taken away so far I’m delaying I think one of the big things that then it should not take everything okay me you crying as hard as I can get you a great work and life and even the when the time does not heal black it is your life is your baby %HESITATION much of my identity now electricity is build plaque I don’t know who I am nine five and it is it is still important to you to realize that it it is actually not not that the world and and it yeah it everything that happens it is not going to use current medical break every day I’m sorry yeah yes he does it’s going to take take an ad day by day and Q. U. B. I think I often get back on you Hey I yeah Jan that not responding to your mail %HESITATION and yeah I thank my seat you know people use dynamic data from the beginning you’re not going to be everything to everyone that okay as well back to you to be more consistent I find that they’re crazy some time back and I think back yeah you got it just falling apart and he’s coming out it’s because sometimes you know we’re all busy we all get a lot of correspondence we all you know are bombarded with and daily star yeah we just got back got to make sure that we can %HESITATION Crabtree the cap and and I would probably say that I thought of mine my biggest finding how are some of the strengths that you found out we within yourself during this this process did you have like things that you maybe didn’t think that that that you could do that once you went through the power process that you realized you actually were able to like was there any fear or anything like that they have to overcome %HESITATION decently %HESITATION I always used to think that I want guns right at fifty eight Jackie because I quite like more weather across lank yet doing nothing as many things but you know just like getting little things done on a daily basis and in the beginning on very much Nikki lake and it seems to be painful I wasn’t good at and that go to bigger picture thinking longer term strategy our office building the business and not that I am spending more time on that and %HESITATION we thought of making sure that I’m driving thing or what with that kind of thinking in that kind of crime medicated fined for it and I realize that it is Becky it is actually one of my strengths and set up one of them but they will say they create a lot of things not one I always thought that I’m yet a project manager and I’m quite logical and %HESITATION yeah not to get stuff done and it’s it’s been wonderful to be able to channel my creativity alcohol into you let’s say he does during everything fire you know during the winter time during back catalogue during thank you the card doing little booklet and anything that needs to be created on the day if I fall off and make a point myself and you know they say it’s rainy or because the %HESITATION a great and balanced %HESITATION I’m having fun with it and being creative I think what fire and having that back to just the cold creek side to it the back something that I have made myself and I’m quite happy about it yeah fantastic yeah I was gonna say so is it just you Hey who is who is doing everything one of the yeah that’s a that’s a one way old hat yeah I was gonna say because I think I’m on one hand because because you know it’s you then you know that you have full %HESITATION %HESITATION you have full control over you know exactly how it’s going to be done you know exactly what you want to do how you want it to be done whereas when you have someone else there’s always the risk they might not do it how you wanted and then you have to you know but then it means you’ve got so many things on your shoulders so how was not for you you know %HESITATION to have all that on your shoulders do you ever feel like %HESITATION I wish I had someone else on board with me or are you kind of like I like being in control of everything yeah it’s such a complex that’s one here because at the very rocky point that out that’s wonderful if you can just be eighty autonomous and decide to do something and then not that you know I need to check with anyone bye Felicia I’m miss being able to hear I think it’s basically like a cool idea is good it just kept coming off the edge and my poor husband back and dragged him into your little trucks on my side like basically every meal time and just just to get someone I’ll you be assigning Borden I think it’s very interesting how different people look at things that’s a different way and especially I think you know men and women we often have such different approaches we have problem I do miss that %HESITATION I wouldn’t be to bring someone else on but truly in the pot three years after waking on that just haven’t found anyone even close to you that I would I would love to bring on board he sort of take the compliment what what I can bring to the table and an interest in him but I think you know where getting someone in that payment he used to work for nine and not make partner and I’m I’ve had in jeans I’ve had I’ve had people who have helped me and of course it is anything that I need to add that he cannot do you I’m happy to ask for that for now I am able to you carried that the brand I thank and can I live thank you say also you know that sort of thing control we like you nine it’s going to get done is going to get done to your standard because you’re the one doing it and I’m fat and total it track the leaky knock manageable and it’s like a big monthly full yeah life in danger old pain and of course we’ll M. and the team for then fantastic okay %HESITATION well I was going to start to wrap up now is also there’s like two main questions I ask each guest I might be on the first one is M. what happens being the key %HESITATION practices that have helped you to %HESITATION to I am overcome challenges and attain success so what are the things that you’ve had to do it consistently to get where you are I would say I’m if you keep on it under three and actually this morning I got this little journal that Iraq and then on and on the left hand side of the page hello my divisional bang on it from the morning as a man and a box yeah speaking on it Israeli affecting black bay is almost not a problem that can be solved by just needing it I’m leaving AT one eight what used to it and everything will will look back in the morning I mean just to eat thank say let’s see yeah check it all later are they different roll off my back and keep going and just keep doing what I need to date and if something some parts of the business Deltec falling apart a little bit you know a few days Blackstock back delayed and I well I needed the product in a month’s time and it’s very painful my me on that fine just try to keep everything on canal %HESITATION yeah do you the marketing for act %HESITATION you know take get people excited about the ban in general and the product that is still coming trying to change the narrative or whatever the case may be but just just keep pushing forward slash yeah I would say just like keep your head down and and try and get a good keeping absolutely yeah I’m tossing and I’m what do you value most and how do you put it into practice when it comes here just like %HESITATION maybe whether you find you maybe something like %HESITATION %HESITATION compassion or you find you like kindness or %HESITATION courage something like a kind of a like a a a a a principal or a a value or or %HESITATION or quality something like that where you already mentioned that and I think kind of state that he the thing that I valued my I reckon back very few problem conte all right a number of kindness and when you interact with someone with the rate is in line with the rate is your supplier and at the end of the day so with kindness will always I thank gate the base struck out from the situation and and people will go a long way match grade that he can help you if yeah it is I just went with kindness and I think that’s a very difficult day because my gosh we can you know black and I feel very grateful and %HESITATION it’s natural to take that off on people in the traction bye yeah China’s killed by thank I love the absolutely brilliant so M. if if people want to find out more about you and %HESITATION night tire what’s that what said the best way to find you I am an employee not very I just quickly want to plug in my laptop give me one second yeah no worries no worries at all sorry about that in a box Diane we know that and after thank you what okay Hey you can find mine hi and on the back nine five with five page let’s see if they’re in I. D. H. D. I. R. E. dot com I thank the EDS eight he you find out more and everything that they have all I’m ninety five with both on the market cases sometimes very different pop up and if the thinking in London bye and yeah here at nine hi is that the one stop shop actually in the back you find out about it twenty second are you on M. %HESITATION Instagram as well if anyone wants to find you on social media indeed and it looks like at night hi is the handle that might be present fantastic thank you so much Nina this is gray is really great to find out about what what you’ve been doing and I just think I think it’s amazing how you’ve done all this %HESITATION by yourself I it’s incredible so that’s really inspiring the dominant remains thanks for your time thank you so much for %HESITATION as listening M. if you enjoyed this podcast please subscribe and if you think that Nina’s journey could inspire someone please share it and I’ll catch you in the next episode